See the title?! Hah..that shows how mad i am at those couple who sat in front of us (me, my hubby and son) in the cineplex few days ago...Eventhough dah 'FEW DAYS' but still i'm so pissed off with them..
You see..last Friday, my hubby decided nak tgk wayang and asked me to buy the ticket for REAL STEEL (btw the movie was sooooo COOL!!! and the little boy yang berlakon jadi anak Hugh Jackman tu super cute...wish my baby will have his pulak...)
Balik kepada cerita asal....So i bought the ticket and manage to dapat seat 5 row dari depan....ok...memang full house pun wayang ari tu...In front of us there's a couple yang perasan diorang tu BAGUSSS sangat konon HIGH CLASS la kan... but before that let me tell you my son whenever he watches a movie no matter at home or cinema he kind a like to ask a LOTS and LOTS of questions..So sebagai ibu bapa yang berhemah..(ye ke?!) kami akan cuba menjawab sebaik mungkin soalan2 dia...then here the story begin...MY SON at one scene keep asking why is that robot doing something like that..where's the mother..where's the father and so on..but the way he asking is not like the whole panggung can hear his's only us and maybe the couple yang duduk in front of us...Now let me remind you my son x ada pun pegi ketuk2 kepala diorang ke..tanya soalan kat diorang ke..menjerit2 kat diorang..memang X ADE!! And all of sudden the girl turned around and look at us making faces with her boyfriend and mumbling something about " WE SHOULD CALL THE STAFF AND USHER THEM OUT..SO RUDE!!!! I was like "WHAT?!"..OMG you're the one who being's not like my son purposely disturbed them..I was like staring at her with confusion in my head.."LU PE HAL MINAH...BARU DAPAT BOIPREN HIDUNG TINGGI X PASAL2 NK BERHIDUNG TINGGI GAK KE? RILEK LA ANAK AKU TU BARU 5 TAHUN..BEBUDAK SEDANG MEMBESAR BIASALA BANYAK BENDA YANG DIORANG NAK TAU KAN"...(tapi sumer tu aku bebel dalam hati je..malas nak bikin scene beb..nanti kang org nak tgk hugh jackman x dapat...tgk huge mother fighting adalah hahahaha...)
Sampai ari ni aku masih x berpuas hati ngan couple tu...actually that day lepas abis je citer tu aku nak gak tggu couple tu depan pintu kuar wayang kan..kot2 la bole tanya apa yang x puas ati sangat ngan anak aku ni..but then disebabkan masa dah time (11.45 pm) son pun dh ngantuk and my hubby pun x nak bikin scene tambahan..kitorang pun balik sambil membebel dalam hati...SOME PEOPLE..they think they are good enough and they see other people not as good as them...hmmm..MASYARAKAT!!
Ape2 pun nah u all enjoy this preview of Real Steel k...Memang berbaloi tengok!!!
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